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Important: When filling out this application you will need 2 documents along with the application.

First an Essay and Second a High School or College Transcript. Please have them available before continuing with this application


In an essay of 500 words or less, please answer the following:  Paulette Fialkoff-Amodeo is someone who fought for all workers’ rights, including standing up for women’s rights in the workforce.  In what ways do you think women’s rights have progressed over the years?  What more do you think should be done to improve women’s rights in the workforce?  If you have any life experiences either positive or negative, please include them.

Local 1102 RWDSU UFCW is a labor union affiliated with the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union District Council (RWDSU) and the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW).

Local 1102 was officially chartered in its present form in the late 1930's. Throughout our history we have represented a diverse membership and continue to organize workers across multiple lines of work. 

We strive every day to represent the needs of our members by fighting for respect at work, job security, better wages, quality health care, and a dignified retirement. Local 1102's ultimate goal is to improve the lives of all working men and women, and we know that when workers stand together they win. 

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